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Pard's Western Shop Rusty Dare Cribbing Collar with Fleece Cover

Rusty Dare Cribbing Collar with Fleece Cover


Regular price $117.95 Sale

Rusty Dare Cribbing Collar with Fleece Cover 

  • Unique 3-dimensional patented throat piece design controls cribbing.
  • Does not need to be tightened as much as other collars.
  • Stays in place with one 1-1/8" wide, durable strap, providing more comfort for the horse.
  • One size fits all. (Additional holes & half holes can be punched for optimum fit).
  • Fleece cover included
  • Extra Fleece Cover Available
  • Professional's Choice, the leader in equine sports medicine, announces the official acquisition of Schutz Brothers. Their plans include keeping the same quality as customers have become accustomed to receiving from Schutz. The majority of the staff remains in place and the products will continue to be the highest quality available. The phase one launch consists of the bestselling premium Schutz Collection products, along with quality training tack by Al Dunning.